Our European adventure began Monday morning, May 25 at 7 am, when most of Nordic Choir met in front of the CFL to board a bus headed for Chicago.
By 7:30, we were off, arriving into O'Hare just after noon. Miraculously, we met a choir member at the Belvedere Oasis who had planned to meet us at the airport. We successfully checked in and headed to the gate with plenty of time to spare. Many choir members whiled away the time with card games. At 4 pm, we boarded the plane. Unfortunately, the flight was full, with hardly an empty seat, so no room to stretch out. Luckily, most of us were seated close to one another. I wish I could report that the flight was smooth for all 7 hours, but a good chunk of the flight was bumpy and choppy--that didn't stop us from being served two meals, including breakfast at 11 pm (6 am Milan time). There's nothing like having your sleep time artificially shortened to about 4 hours.

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